Tie Knots: The Pratt

At Bird Dog Bay, we take pride in the look and design of our ties. Why, you may ask? Well, the answer is simple. We love what we do. It brings us no small amount of joy to know that men across the country can count on us when it comes to adding style and flair to their wardrobe. From shirts to cummerbund sets, our quality can’t be beat. Passion and care go into each and every one of our products. Consider our neckties; each one is made from 100% silk and features hand-printed designs care of our founder and illustrator, Steve Mayer. We love our ties, and we know you will too.

In honor of our extensive necktie collection, we started a series all about the art of the tie knot. So far we have covered the Windsor and its smaller cousin the Half Windsor. Today we are going to continue our special series on tie knots with the Pratt Knot.

The Pratt Knot

The Pratt Knot originates in the United States during the 1940s and was a common enough knot throughout the following decades. But the knot really gained popularity in the 1980s when Jerry Pratt, a former employee of the U.S. Commerce Department employee showed up at a local news station on a mission to fix news anchor Don Shelby’s tie. The story goes that Shelby fell in love with the knot, and it was he who made the knot famous. That is why the knot is sometimes referred to as the Shelby Knot or the Pratt-Shelby Knot.

Wearing the Pratt-Shelby

This knot can be worn in a variety of events and circumstances, be they semi-formal or formal. It is a medium-sized knot that works well for men who have moderate proportions. It is a good option for men who are essentially dwarfed beneath the weight of a Full Windsor Knot. It works best with medium to lightweight fabrics.

Bird Dog Bay ties are always Best-in-Show. Designed with attention to detail and dedication to the highest quality, we know you’ll look and feel great with our hand-printed, hand-crafted ties. Shop our collection today!